Producător: Cube
Preț cu TVA: 1855 lei
Stoc: No

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Cod produs: 521210

It's never too early to introduce your kids to the joys of pedal power. For the brand-new Cubie 160 we've pulled out all the stops to make a real mountain bike in miniature. So, for example, we fitted it with an alloy fork to reduce weight. Then we added easy-to-use front and rear rim brakes. A Hebie chainlooper to keep stray fingers and clothing away from the transmission. Billy Bonkers tyres, because they're grippy and we love the name. And we finished it all off with legendary CUBE build quality backed by our in-house safety testing. All that's missing is an adventurous spirit and a bucket-load of enthusiasm!

The Cubie 160 is designed to be fun and responsive, but with the safety of stable, predictable steering. The lightweight aluminium 6061 frame features rounded edges and corners to help minimise the risk of injury, but we've ensured that it's more than tough enough to stand up to enthusiastic use. The lightweight alloy fork is new for 2022. And, of course, there's a choice of paint finishes to capture every child's imagination.

Garantie 2 ani.
Garantie cadru 6 ani.
Toate bicicletele beneficiaza de transport gratuit

*Din cauza problemelor de aprovizionare la nivel mondial cu anumite componente, exista posibilitatea ca fara sa fim notificati, producatorul sa echipeze diferit anumite biciclete fata de specificatiile standard.

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